

GRAVITI SITUASI - bangun pagi, bila body mula beraksi, selagi kaki terpacak atas bumi, setiap gerak geri harus dinterpretasi, membawa suka atau duka, membuah tawa atau hiba, menatijah sorga atau neraka. Hidup akan terus ku pandu walau dilanda pilu, walau dihambat sayu, walau diamok syahdu, walau ditebak peluru, walau dilontar batu.
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bal akhiratu khairun wa abqa

Living life for nearly 20 years, now I realise that leadership has always been one of my weak point. - aku, Sept 7 2013

To be honest I cannot lead people and this is because I hate to give orders. I mean all this time I always view others as if they are equal or better than me. Without feeling myself any superior to 'em, it is kinda awkward to direct 'em to do things. In an organization, I prefer being attached as the second in command or lower sit. That way, my brain can spurt out more ideas without having to suffer the guilt (because usually what leader say people will agree without much objection, so being 2nd in command at least theres people mightier than you who can oppose), and do not work too much(well if I lead, there will be an endless planning to reach perfection running wild endlessly in my head which I hate so much). Supporting role fits me well.

That being said, I was actually appointed as the house leader by the housemates last Monday. Well, its just because I am the oldest among 'em. I find the title is quite a burden, yet I think I am the only one who's fit for the job. Not that I am talking big, it is just that I've gained their trust at the very first day plus all of 'em feel very inferior in terms of age.

We went shopping at Giant last Monday, like orang bujang, because our rumah sewa's dapur got nothing except dapur gas only (no fridge, no pinggan senduk, not even tong gas, we're quiet fcked up). The whole thing is quite new to me. We decided to masak everyday, first success is masak spaghetti on the next day(taste superb), during makan time I set some ground rules for 'em to follow, set the montly fees and talk about few things like a true leader (butterfly in my stomach). We not yet have issues with each other, everything goes well, housemates alhamdulillah are all kaki surau.

All I could say is I will take this as a challenge because the last few days I just started to realise, sooner or later, not that I think about it all the time, I will lead my wife, I will have a family, I have to command my staffs, and etc.

Self Reminder ---> Effective leadeship is not about making speeches or being like. It is defined by results not attributes.

Gs : Actually am just excited to share my first week with you guys tapi it is actually kinda boring. Kalau sempat I will write another post. Sorry, no photos to attach so far because tak tangkap pun gambar at all.
7:18:00 PM


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