

GRAVITI SITUASI - bangun pagi, bila body mula beraksi, selagi kaki terpacak atas bumi, setiap gerak geri harus dinterpretasi, membawa suka atau duka, membuah tawa atau hiba, menatijah sorga atau neraka. Hidup akan terus ku pandu walau dilanda pilu, walau dihambat sayu, walau diamok syahdu, walau ditebak peluru, walau dilontar batu.
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bal akhiratu khairun wa abqa

In the name  of Al-Muhyi (The Life Giver <==aint so sure),

OO Sis, i love you. I talked to her on the phone just now. She told me about mommy who bought her besday cake, having AnW for dinner, and also some other things that tickled my laugh nerve. Petah, banyak merepek dan lucu. Thanks God fo giving her the nikmah of life until today. Happy 6th birthday dear.

p/s: sama la bday cik piah dengan bday Mejar Dr Faiz Khaleed, angkasawan negara nombor dua juga idolaku..

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