

GRAVITI SITUASI - bangun pagi, bila body mula beraksi, selagi kaki terpacak atas bumi, setiap gerak geri harus dinterpretasi, membawa suka atau duka, membuah tawa atau hiba, menatijah sorga atau neraka. Hidup akan terus ku pandu walau dilanda pilu, walau dihambat sayu, walau diamok syahdu, walau ditebak peluru, walau dilontar batu.
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************* dalam pembikinan ! *************

bal akhiratu khairun wa abqa

13-17 DISEMBER 2009

Life is simple but fascinating
hehee..having a short but extraordinary time
Staying at the hostel really
Turns my life 45 degrees..(ceh, sikit saje)
Eh?? Sounds weird
Yeah, I do make it sounds weird
Hehe..Betul la..Sebelum belum nie
Mana pernah hidup berdikari
(except for those campings i have been in)
Sedar tak sedar, aku kini sudah mula
Merindui kehidupan berasrama
Tapi sebenarnya kehidupanku di asrama
Sepanjang seminggu di sana amat bebas
Hehee..It was not the same asrama that u guys have experienced
totally different, for sure..basicly i had
  1. My handphone sticked with me for almost every single night in asrama
  2. His earphone inside my ear canal (external auditory canal) most of my free time
  3. outing almost daily
  4. late morning shower
  5. to wash my clothes myself
  6. a chance to meet 2 ex-teachers(tiada kaitan)
lol.. theres a hell lot more to be listed but wait... i should not tell anything to personal about crappy life of mine right here..hehe.. Not in the mood.. Well sepanjang 2minggu ber'kelas tambahan', I do learnt dozens of new knowledges, but that didnot mean i am smarter now..NO!..My head just  spun round and round,gonna explode on the last day actually (receiving too much informations without having time to interpret them) but thanks to Teacher Dothy (lol, ur still as short as ever) full-of-excitement and the unexpected visit of Muallimah Maheraini, well it cooled my head down..hehe..

What're the best thing about staying in the hostel??

  1. having my friends around my waist of course
  2. getting a more-freedom life..hehe
  3. a chance to SEARCH FOR THE SUNRISE(keluar dengan senior tingkatan 5 sehari selepas kertas bahasa arab betul-betul selepas mathurat pagi [lepas SUBUH], berjalan hampir 30minit, panjat bukit, baru sampai..BEST!)

    6:52:00 PM


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